
2020 Writing Goals

Check In!

It has recently come to my attention that we’re one-third of the way through 2020. ONE THIRD. Besides wondering when the hell that happened (I didn’t see it, did you??), I’m also wondering whether I’ve accomplished anything during this time. I thought it would be a good time for me to check in with my goals. I rarely give myself credit for what I do, so this also allows me to practice gratitude by recognizing what I’ve accomplished so far, even if I haven’t met all my goals.

Two birds, one giant gratitude stone. 😊

For 2020, I set a goal of publishing one of my romance books. That is probably not going to happen. Not because I won’t have finished the book, I believe I will. If I don’t publish, it will be because I’m planning to do a series release—publishing three or four books in rapid succession. I might have two, maybe even three, completed books by the end of the year. But year-end is a bad time to release books. There are holidays to contend with, and November is a big publishing month for the traditional publishers. So pulling off a rapid release means pushing my debut release to 2021. Not the end of the world, but a missed goal nonetheless.

I also set out in 2020 to design and publish a gratitude journal. I’m happy to report that I knocked this one out of the park. As of this week, I’ve published four gratitude journals. I’m super proud of these books. They represent my journey over the last few years and are a part of my heart that I’m offering to you. They are deeply personal to me so if you try them out I hope you enjoy them as much as I do. All I know is I look forward to filling out a new prompt each morning, which was the whole point of creating them. Well done, me!

So what’s up for the next third of this year? Editing my rewrite of Only with You. Getting that edited manuscript to a real editor to help me polish my story. Outlining the next book in my Harmony Springs Series (Where I Belong). Figuring out how to market my gratitude journals so that those who need them can find them. Publishing more journals if my intuition leads me in that direction.

That’s a lot planned for the next four months. No wonder I’m already tired! 😊

No matter what, I hope that you’re safe. And I’d love to hear how your first third of 2020 has gone so far and your goals for the rest of the year!

Until next time, love, peace and gratitude.


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