
This and that

Buckle up, kids, this is going to be a ride of randomness

Here it is Wednesday, and I… I’ve got nothing. Nada. Zip. No words for today’s #WednesdayWords. Maybe I should rename the blog, No More Wednesday Words.

Okay, maybe it’s not that bleak. It just feels like it.

Still, I would have thought that someone (me) who had intentionally set up her life to permanently work from home would be better equipped to, I don’t know, work from home. Turns out I’m just as susceptible to issues from isolation as the rest of you guys. Who saw that coming? (Put your hands down, that’s not funny.)

By now you’ve probably guessed that I don’t have a theme for today’s blog post, just a bunch of random thoughts bouncing around in my brain. Instead of making you guys suffer through that (trust me, it ain’t pretty up in there) I thought I’d show off my sister’s new foster dog, Doc. He’s a 4-year old Pomeranian, who loves kids, dogs, cats, and life in general. We should all strive to be more like Doc, I think.

This is Doc. He’s a happy boy!

Precious, no?

My sister and her family decided to foster as part of the #cleartheshelters initiative, helping shelters that have had to close their doors for adoptions find foster homes for all the animals until they can be adopted or the shelters open up again. I’m so proud of them for doing this, and the look on Doc’s face pretty much sums up his feelings about it.

As I’m still suffering a bit from Puppy Palooza 2020, I instead decided to help by volunteering to process adoptions for my rescue, which helps lighten the burden a bit on our regular volunteers. Despite the fact that this job requires me to make phone calls (cue the cold sweats and fetal position), it was surprisingly gratifying to talk to people yesterday who were so excited their friend was finally going to get a dog of her very own. Sort of restored some of my faith in humanity (toilet paper hoarding notwithstanding).

I think the rest of this week I’m going to focus on the good things going on around me, even if I have to watch most of them happen from inside my house. Also, laundry. Because apparently social distancing doesn’t mean your clothes stop getting dirty. Which is really disappointing, I’m not going to lie.

Okay good people. Be diligent out there, stay safe, and look out for one another!

Socially distanced hugs,

P.S. If you’re in the Denver metro area and would like to adopt Doc, you can fill out an adoption application here. Who knows, maybe I’ll even be the one to process it. (You’re welcome.)

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