
Dear Younger Self

Lessons from the last 10 years

Dear 2010 Me,

I’m sitting here in 2020 and thinking of you. Specifically, there are a few things you should know.

1. The next 10 years will be some of the most challenging of your life, but you will persevere.

In fact, you will thrive.

It won’t be easy, but you will make it to the other side and be a better person for it. You will begin living your most authentic life. You will begin creating again. You will stop making fear-based decisions. You will be the truest version of yourself you’ve ever been, and that is an amazing feeling!

So keep going.

2. You will experience heartbreak. You will also experience move love and support than you ever believed possible. This love will come from expected places: your family and friends. But this love and support will also come from unexpected places: those friends and acquaintances you’ve met online. Cultivate these relationships, because they are all important.

3. Finally, go easy on yourself. This 10-year journey will not be easy, but it will only be harder if you beat yourself up for every mistake—and there will be many! Don’t worry, you’ll see successes too, so be gentle with yourself. Love yourself as you love others: wholly and without restraint.

Trust me on this.

Okay, dear readers. What do you wish you had known 10 years ago? What advice would you give yourself? Drop me a comment and let me know.

Until next time, peace, love and gratitude.

P.S. Do you want to dive deeper into connecting with your younger self? I have a journal that can help: Love Letters to My Younger Self: A Gratitude Journal for Your Inner Child.

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